Sunday, May 5, 2019

How "Avengers: Endgame" Became the Greatest MCU Film

Out of all the films created in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Avengers: Endgame confidently takes the cake for best in the series. This movie comes across as a celebration of all these distinct characters we've come to know over the past decade.
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Photo Courtesy of Marvel Entertainment
In the first Avengers film, Tony Stark and Steve Rogers immediately began a rocky relationship who were both raised in two vastly different times and have repeatedly underestimated each other. In this film, Robert Downey Jr. has continually done his top performance as his character retained this anxiety of "what will happen if I lose" that he's had since the battle of New York in the first Avengers. Tony Stark is believably ridiculous in a balanced way. There has not been a moment with this character that felt cheap.

This is a film that unapologetically character-driven as the plot can get really messy. In between the inconsistencies, the film is not in any rush and it has these little moments between characters conversing. Marvel has never focused on their characters so heavily ever before until they made this film.

The significant time jump between the last movie and Endgame made the ending of Infinity War feel earned as the whole universe had to go through the loss of half the population being wiped out from existence and living with that.

Over the course of the film, Marvel completely blew expectations through moments such as when the Avengers found out that they couldn't use the time stone to reverse the actions of Thanos. The Avengers now had to live with their failure and the universe would pay for it. In an unexpected turn, Captain America is now considered "worthy" of wielding an iconic weapon in the series. In the end, Tony Stark ends with the famous line used back in the first Iron Man film, "I... Am... Iron Man."

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Photo Couresy of Matthias Zoppelt

This movie is the final chapter for Marvel's greatest heroes and gave them their one final hoorah as this movie paves the way for newer heroes to take their place. Of all the movies created under Marvel, this one is unparalleled compared to the near two dozen made in the last decade.

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